14 November 2014

Flooding emergency management with SITGAP2

In the last months the geomatic division of the IST-SUPSI has developed, in collaboration with the civil protection of the Locarno and Vallemmagia region, a renewed application for flooding management named SITGAP 2.

Born from the ashes of an old project, this application takes advantage of the latest geospatial technologies using an innovative approach while is providing to the civil protection and their partner a essential information for the optimal planning and management of the emergency.

SITGAP 2, accessible only using a secured user and password, provides base maps, real-time lake levels and its evolution forecasted by hydrological models run by the IST-SUPSI, details of exposed elements (including population, private properties, oil cisterns etc.), evacuation tools, and many other essential features specifically designed and implemented.

Even if still in test phase, the application is already proving its utility and stability in supporting the current alarm (level 5 of 5) operations.

For those interested, more insight will be provided in Fribourg (Switzerland) the next SGM 2014 (Swiss Geoscience Meeting) the November 22nd at 11:20.

SITGAP 2 appeared in the national media:
  1. RSI 2014-11-10 19:45: http://goo.gl/ng4aZK 
  2. RSI 2014-11-13 06:17: http://goo.gl/vbpeuv 
  3. Ticinonline 2014-11-14 15:42: http://goo.gl/RuOjYm
  4. T+ 2014-11-14 18:57: http://goo.gl/KKpsZz
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